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Stay secure utilizing the Cyemptive DNS Fortress and Cyemptive Time Fortress layers. Together they secure the most critical protocols compromised by bad actors. Infrastructure Command solutions are also self protected, delivering Cyemptive ZeroStrike security.

Cyemptive DNS Fortress

The Cyemptive DNS Fortress is our Infrastructure Protection solution providing a high security DNS resolving service for all servers and endpoints in your organization’s computer environment. DNS Fortress is deployed as an on-premises solution that securely connects to Cyemptive’s Security Operations Center DNS preventing MITM attacks, gateway hijacking, and other threats.


Would you willingly give your organization’s Intellectual Property to a bad actor?
Domain Name System (DNS) is one of the widest used protocols for internet access, web sites, email, and many other application communications. When a gateway is hijacked or a Man-In-The-Middle (MITM) attack successfully infiltrates DNS services, traffic can be re-routed to other countries, sites, and bad actor systems. Data can be taken or changed in-flight during data center and remote worker communications and may NEVER be detected.


DNS Fortress is the only solution capable of protecting the Domain Name System (DNS) resolution against the most sophisticated MITM attacks, gateway hijacking, and other DNS threats.
DNS Fortress securely maps human readable names to IP addresses for internal and external communications.
DNS Fortress provides infrastructure protection as an on-premises DNS resolving service for all internal and internet domain name to IP address resolution.
Our Perimeter Fortresses will relay DNS requests securely to a Cyemptive resolution service implemented to prevent the most sophisticated MITM attacks providing secure, reliable DNS resolution.


DNS is a hierarchical, decentralized naming system used to identify computers that can be reached through the Internet Protocol (IP) and is a key operational component for network-based applications and users.
DNS Fortress is deployed using Defense-in-Depth, our patented CyberSlice© technology, and proven Zero Trust Blueprints for security and protection of organizational DNS resolution services any organization can rely on.
Together with the Cyemptive Perimeter Fortress, the Cyemptive DNS Fortress creates a powerful, ultra-secure infrastructure for your company, allowing you to stay in command of your security and not fear the hackers.

Cyemptive Time Fortress

The Cyemptive Time Fortress provides a secure time service for all servers and endpoints as an on-premises solution. It securely connects to the Cyemptive Security Operation Center master clocks enabling extremely accurate time synchronization and providing superior protection to secure Network Time Protocol (NTP) services.


With the frequency of MITM attacks, can you be sure your systems have accurate time?
Time protocol hacks against targeted organizations exist even though Network Time Security (NTS) has been introduced to secure the communication from dedicated stratum time servers to an organization’s internal time server. Delivery of proper time services are constantly plagued with Man-In-The-Middle (MITM) and time protocol attacks. These attacks allow changes to the date and time when updates are requested by an organization’s time server without traces as there are no log events reported. A simple modification of time in flight can cause rippling DoS attacks and prevent access to critical systems and data. When an organization is a target of value, the Network Time Protocol (NTP) becomes a target of opportunity for bad actors.


Time Fortress provides secure NTP Infrastructure Protection for critical assets as an on-premises time clock solution while giving you peace of mind that all system time-based operations are secure.
Cyemptive Time Fortress is the only solution capable of protecting the Network Time Protocol (NTP) against the most sophisticated MITM attacks; securing critical infrastructure time services.
Time Fortress integrates with the Cyemptive SIEM (CSM) to provide highly accurate log events for post-extermination analysis, heuristics, and bad actor Tactics, Techniques, Procedures (TTP’s).


Accurate time enables administrators to coordinate user and bad actor events with other log, sensor, and system events. It is critical that all computing environments keep secure, accurate time for keys, certificates, Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), and to facilitate proper troubleshooting. Time Fortress provides accurate event timestamps for Cyemptive telemetry data enabling accurate tracing of malicious activity.
The Cyemptive Time Fortress provides a complete solution that securely synchronizes with Cyemptive’s Security Operation Center master clocks via NTP. Time Fortress uses our proven Zero Trust Blueprints and our patented CyberSlice© technology to provide secure, accurate time clock services you can rely on.
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